Music Monday: Finding You, Gareth J. Rubery + 3 Excerpts

“Gareth J. Rubery ✪ Finding You ✪ Piano, String Quartet, Brass and Choir ✪” YouTube. YouTube, 31 Dec. 2015.


On this Music Monday, I am replaying a song that I have used previously on a Music Monday.  Why? Because the title is just so perfect for the books I am highlighting this week in my sale and the one that is now posting at All three books have to do with people who are known to each other but who do not find each other until circumstances force each of them to view the other person differently.

Let’s take a look at an excerpt from each book that shows a small bit of that moment of realization.

EXCERPT FROM Her Father’s Choice:

~ Available for a reduced price beginning tomorrow ~

[This is the part where Elizabeth finally realizes that she not only finds Mr. Darcy to be a different man than she imagined him to be…she realized that several pages ago…but he is also the man that she loves.]

“Who are your fine feathered friends?” Mary asked Elizabeth.

A small burst of laughter escaped Lady Sophia. “They do rather look like a couple of preening parrots, do they not?” Her eyes twinkled with amusement. “Miss Ivison is in the green, and Miss Pearce is in the blue. They are two of the ton’s best gossips.”

“And apparently friends of Miss Bingley,” said Elizabeth. “They have had news from her.”

Mary rolled her eyes.

“You do not like Miss Bingley?” asked Georgiana.

“I do not like her behaviour,” Mary said very primly. “She is always trying to elevate herself by lowering others. It is not right. ”

“No,” agreed Lady Sophia, “putting another down to raise yourself up is not right and often ends in embarrassment and disappointment. But, it is, unfortunately, a common trait within the ton, and a disappointed lady with such a fault in character can be very cunning and cruel.”

Georgiana smiled at Elizabeth. “I imagine Miss Bingley is very disappointed since she can no longer claim my brother for herself.”

“As are Miss Ivison and Miss Pearce,” said Lady Sophia. “I fear you will have to face several jealous ladies, my dear.”

Elizabeth sighed.

“Do not fear, Miss Bennet. You have already given a strong signal to the ton that you are not weak.”

Elizabeth’s brows pulled together in question.

“You rose to your own defense and that of your intended. News of your defense will circulate. Those two cannot keep a bit of news to themselves even if it does show them in a poor light.” She noted the look of shock on Elizabeth’s face. “It is a strange world which you have entered.”

Elizabeth agreed. She was not unfamiliar with such behaviour. It was, after all, the work of gossip which found her now betrothed to Mr. Darcy. Gossip spread by her aunt, someone who did not consider the effects the gossip might have on her niece. She shook her head. “I believe it is the nonsensical nature of gossip which continues to surprise me.”

“That, my dear, is because you possess what they do not ─ sense. And,” she continued as she climbed into the carriage, “it is why I am so pleased that you are marrying my nephew. He cannot abide the nonsensical and needs a woman of sense which he will now have.” She pulled her skirts in to allow Elizabeth to sit next to her. “I am beyond happy to have you as a niece, my dear. Beyond happy.”

Elizabeth settled into the seat and attempted to listen to the conversation around her, but her mind kept wandering back to the exchange with Miss Ivison and Miss Pearce. She had felt a need to defend herself, but it was not what truly inspired her to speak as she had. What was it about Mr. Darcy that made her feel a need to see that he was well and that his name was not harmed?

“Oh!” Her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes grew wide as understanding dawned on her.

“Are you well?” asked Lady Sophia.

Elizabeth smiled brightly. “I am well. I was merely woolgathering.” She now saw her dislike for those two women and Miss Bingley for what it was. Mr. Darcy had touched her heart, and she was jealous.

Mary looked at her doubtfully. “Are you sure you are well, Lizzy?”

Elizabeth nodded. “I am well. Very, very well.” And, she added to herself, quite possibly in love.


~ Available for a reduced price beginning tomorrow ~

[In this story, Lucy knows she loves Philip.  However, Philip does not come to that realization until about half way through the story.  This is when that happens.]

Philip followed Darcy toward the door. “So you are going to do it? Buy Willow Hall?”

“If possible, yes.” He turned to Philip. “It would be an excellent wedding gift for Miss Tolson to be free of her uncle, and for you, to see the woman you love more at ease.”

Philip’s brows drew together. “Lucy would be grateful to be rid of her uncle. It is, after all, the reason we are marrying. It is a matter of convenience, nothing more. She needed an escape, and I needed a capable wife.”

Darcy chuckled. “So, you would allow me to marry her instead? I could just as easily keep her from her uncle. She is a gentleman’s daughter, and I, like you, am a gentleman’s son, so there is no inequality of rank. Her portion is adequate, and she has proven herself very capable of managing an estate. And, I do need a wife.”

“Do not be absurd, Darcy,” Philip said with some force. An uncomfortable panic began fluttering about in his chest. The thought of losing her to anyone, even a friend as good as Darcy, was surprisingly unsettling. “She and I are already betrothed,” he reasoned, “To break a betrothal now would create a stir.”

“I could take her to town until the gossip settled.” Darcy folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the door, watching the expression of his friend, which confirmed what he already suspected.

Philip pulled in a deep breath through his nose. An unusual desire to hit Darcy caused his hand to clench as tightly as his jaw was.

“Put yourself at ease, Dobney. I have no intention of offering for Miss Tolson. I dare say I would not succeed anyway. She seems rather fond of you.” He pushed himself off the door and opened it, motioning for his friend to exit before him.

Philip pondered his response to Darcy’s jesting about offering for Lucy. What had taken grip of his heart? He was not given to violence or even aggression unless absolutely necessary, such as when his sister had been taunted. He may be of a peaceful bent but not when those he loved were in harm’s way. He stopped abruptly in the hall causing Darcy to nearly run into him. “I…” he began, shock suffusing his face, “I love her.”

Darcy clapped him on the shoulder. “I know. Now, shall we ride?”

EXCERPT FROM Waking to Mr. Darcy:

Posting right now at ~ Available to purchase in September ~

[I did not pick the moment Elizabeth realizes she loves Darcy because that happens very close to the end of this short novella.  Instead, I have chosen the moment when she begins to realize that Darcy is neither the man she thought he was nor was he the man Wickham had told her he was.]

She coughed again.

He tipped his head.  “I think we might have something to soothe that,” he said with a smile.  “I will go get it and a bit of water for you.  Will you stay here?”

She nodded.

“Good.”  He stood and taking up the tea tray turned to leave.

“Mr. Darcy,” she called after him.

He turned toward her.

“Do you forgive me for my foolishness in listening to Mr. Wickham?”

He smiled.  “Can you forgive me my words from our first meeting?”

Her brows furrowed, but a smile played at her lips.  “I believe I can.”

“Then we shall begin anew ─ wiser for our foibles.”

Elizabeth watched him leave.  He appeared different to her.  His shoulders were not as rigid and there was a certain softness to his movements that had not been there before.  Mr. Wickham’s words came once again to her mind. “Among those who are at all his equals in consequence, he is a very different man from what he is to the less prosperous.” She shook her head.  She had not changed in consequence. She was now as she always was, the daughter of a gentleman who, though of good standing in Hertfordshire, was far less prosperous than Mr. Darcy.  Her mother had not changed nor had her aunts and uncles.  They were still from trade, and yet, Mr. Darcy seemed at ease with her now.  She had, she assumed, breached the wall and entered the circle of those with whom he felt comfortable.  She smiled and shook her head again. To think that being the friend of Mr. Darcy suddenly pleased her so!  It was, she knew, due to her growing understanding of him.  He was not as she had contrived.  It was on his character and reviewing his actions in this new light of understanding that she was still thinking when he returned.

“A bit of water.”  He held out a cup to her.  “It is warm.”  He waited for her to sip from the cup and then, setting it aside, scooped a spoonful of honey from the jar he carried.  “Mrs. Reynolds would sometimes mix in some herbs or lemon, but the honey is what coats and soothes,” he explained.  “And it is rather tasty.”

He was correct. It was deliciously sweet, and she licked the remaining honey from the spoon before returning it to him.

“Now rest.”  His tone was very much that of a caretaker who would brook no objections.

Elizabeth relaxed back onto her pillows.

Darcy settled into the chair with his book.  “Shall I read?” he asked.  He waited for a nod from his patient and then began.

His voice was pleasant and the poetry good.  Soon, Elizabeth found her eyes refusing to stay open.  Her tired, sore muscles relaxed and sleep began to overtake her senses.  As she drifted to the edge of consciousness, his voice quieted.  He placed a hand on her forehead as he had several times to check her fever.  Then, soft as a rose petal, he kissed the spot where his hand had lain.

He watched her chest rise and fall in the easy rhythm of sleep. “Why do you affect me as you do?” he whispered.  “It is beyond your beauty for you move me to my very soul.”  He kissed her forehead once again.  “Rest well.”

And as he returned to his chair to continue his reading silently, she did.


August 30-September 5


Published by

Leenie Brown

Leenie Brown fell in love with Jane Austen's works when she first read Sense and Sensibility followed immediately by Pride and Prejudice in her early teens. As the second of five daughters and an avid reader, she has always loved to see where her imagination takes her and to play with and write about the characters she meets along the way. In 2013, these two loves collided when she stumbled upon the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. A year later, in 2014, she began writing her own Austen-inspired stories and began publishing them in 2015. Leenie lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two teenage boys and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley and Edmund with healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tillney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

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