Dandies of 1831 (Journal des Dames et des Modes)

Newest Paris dandy’s fashion, 1831. Redingote closed with brandebourgs, top hat. Woollen tailcoat, satin waistcoat with flowery borders, cashmere trousers (and a bicorne). Journal des Dames et des Modes, 1831, Glatisant [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons

These dandies could be going to their club, could they not be? Lorcan and Alfred are spending some time at a club and meeting up with a friend in this chapter.


“You have not come to see me.” A none-to-pleased Lord Westonbury took the seat across from him.

“How did you know I was in town?” Lorcan had not told anyone that he was returning – mainly because he had not wished for Kitty to know, but also because he was in no hurry to see his blissfully married friend and hear the lecture that he knew he would receive.

“How indeed? I did not even know you had left town until you had been gone a week.” His friend’s left eyebrow cocked. “And the mail service must be especially poor at present for I received no letter.”

[from Marrying Elizabeth book 5]


Marrying Elizabeth, books 1-4

Leenie B Books
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Couple at a Window (George Friedrich Kersting)

Couple at a Window, Georg Friedrich Kersting [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons

These two look ready to go out for a walk, do they not? Kitty and Lorcan are also set to go walking in the garden again, but first…


“I shall not be long.” She rose from her chair and hurried from the room before dashing up the stairs and down the hall to her room to grab her bonnet and make certain she looked her best.

She was just exiting her room to fly back down the stairs when she saw him, standing in the hall, near the top of the stairs.

“I wished to retrieve my hat,” he held up two hats, one stacked on top of the other. “I told Alfred I would get his as well.” He was breathing more pronouncedly than normal. “I had to take the stairs two at a time and run from one room to the other so that I would not miss seeing you.”

[from Marrying Elizabeth book 5]


Marrying Elizabeth, books 1-4

Leenie B Books
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Painting of a family game of checkers (Louis-Léopold Boilly)

Painting of a family game of checkers (“jeu des dames”), Louis-Léopold Boilly [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons

From etymonline.com: “draughts (n.)British name for the tabletop game that in U.S. is checkers, c. 1400, from draught, perhaps because the pieces are “dragged” over the board in moves. Earlier it is recorded as jeu de dames (late 14c.).”


While Mr. and Mrs. Bingley settled in to play draughts, Lorcan was given the privilege to play fox and geese with Kitty. It would have been a wonderful way to get to speak to her in hushed tones had not his annoying and ever-present cousin been at his elbow instructing him about which was an excellent move and which was a daft one.

[from Marrying Elizabeth book 5]


Marrying Elizabeth, books 1-4

Leenie B Books
Click to find all of Leenie’s books at your favourite retailer.


Wordless Wednesday Revisited

Do you remember this little fellow who likes to climb drapes, pounce on tables, and steal pretty things? I used this picture before with a few lines from Loving Lydia. You can find that post here.

The Butterfly by John Henry Dolph [Public domain] via Wikimedia


“Oh, how am I supposed to get you when you are under that?” Kitty gave a small stamp of her stockinged foot.

Oliver had slipped under a chest of drawers that held a clock, a lamp, and beautiful vase that stood waiting for a fresh bouquet of flowers.

She got down on her hands and knees and peeked under the piece of furniture.

“May I please have my ribbon?” she begged in as sweet a voice as she could muster when feeling as annoyed as she did.

[from Marrying Elizabeth book 5]


Marrying Elizabeth, books 1-4

Leenie B Books
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Illustration from “Eugene Onegin” edition (1908) by Samokish-Sudakovskaya

Illustration from “Eugene Onegin” edition (1908); Elena Samokich-Soudkovskaïa [Public domain] via Wikimedia

Our couple takes a walk in the garden in chapter 4, and there is a bench involved. However, the couple in this painting look far happier than either Kitty or Lorcan will be during their walk in the garden.


“Are you well?” Kitty cried.

Mutely, he shook his head, for speech had left him.

“Do you wish to sit down?”

He nodded. Sitting was not exactly what he wished to do, but it was likely better than standing when the garden began to waver. She led him to a bench, and gratefully, he sank down onto it before his legs could fail him.

“Go on without me,” he said when he could once again speak now that his mind was no longer focused so intently on keeping him upright.

“But you are unwell,” she protested.

[from Marrying Elizabeth book 5]


Marrying Elizabeth, books 1-4

Leenie B Books
Click to find all of Leenie’s books at your favourite retailer.