Join a Reader Community

I’d love to have you join one of the Leenie Brown reader communities listed below because I’d like to get to know you and to share all the details about my books and writing life with you.


Subscribe to My Substack

which is like a newsletter, blog, and social media combined since it can be read in your inbox, on your computer screen, or via the Substack app.

As of January 2024, Substack is my official newsletter provider, where I’ll share all book and writing life news (either in a post or a “chat” message). Upon subscribing to Substack, you will receive a welcome letter with a link to download a couple of story freebies.

I will also share Story Connections and other blog posts on my Substack, and I will be using the “Notes” section to post things that, in the past, I would have shared on Facebook or Instagram. (I will still be using FB and IG, but they will be secondary to the community options listed on this page.)

FYI: I also have a multi-author Substack I take part in called The Sigh-worthy Romance Tearoom for those who might be interested.


Follow Me on Ream Stories

which is the place to keep up on my writing news, join a follower-exclusive community of fellow Leenie readers, and subscribe to read my books if you wish. Subscribing is not required. While subscribing to read all my books costs a monthly subscription fee, following is ALWAYS free and has it’s perks.

All followers of my Ream page have access to a monthly free read and a couple of always free reads on the Ream website or via the Ream app.

I will also be sharing Story Connections posts, a link to my monthly Saturday Broadsheet newsletter, and various announcements and other things in the community section of Ream, which is accessible to all followers.

Other Options

You may also wish to become a Patreon supporter HERE (Patreon is a paid subscription that allows you to read along while I write and collect books along the way. Subscription prices start at $1 per month.)

Or simply subscribe to receive updates to my blog via email using the email address box towards the bottom of the menu for this website.

Which ever option you choose – Substack, Ream, Patreon, Blog – I look forward to having you as a member of my reader community.

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