Music Monday: Anne Elliot & Capt. Wentworth – Only Time

A pained expression created a great furrow between Grace’s eyes. “Then, how is one ever to know if one is in love enough to marry?”

“That is an excellent question,” Roger replied, turning to Walter. “Do you have an explanation? You always had some reply when we pondered such impossible things in school.”

[from Her Secret Beau, Touches of Austen Book 3]
Published to YouTube by TheAlena31 on February 7, 2011.

Today marks the beginning of my husband’s vacation time, which means a reduced number of work hours for both him and me. There will be a full week of blog posts this week, but next week the blog will be rather bare with only a Monday post.

The song title for the video today, I think, goes well with both tomorrow’s chapter of Grace’s story and the excerpt from a previously published, currently being updated book at the end of this post because only time will tell how each of these situations is going to work out. (They will work out. That’s not the question really. It’s more how will they work out.)

There is not a whole lot of news to share this week. I am still plugging away at my various projects:  Continue reading Music Monday: Anne Elliot & Capt. Wentworth – Only Time

Music Monday: White Horse, Tenille Townes

I’m sharing something a little different from my usual Monday Music selections. However, it is a song that I have been enjoying lately and it has a connection to my writing life at this moment in time.

Published to YouTube by Tenille Townes on March 18, 2019.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about Persuading Miss Mary this week because I’m struggling a bit with finding the answer to what I think is the major question of the story. How is Wes going to persuade Mary to love him when he represents something of which she very strongly disapproves? Continue reading Music Monday: White Horse, Tenille Townes