Reading, Relaxation, Reviews, and One Incredible Deal

Today is the day that great deal on the Choices Series box set begins. (You know, the sale I scheduled for the wrong day? Well, the “wrong day” has finally arrived 😉 ) Scroll down to find a link and details.

Writing News

It was once again a pretty good week of writing, despite the fact that I actually took a day off just to relax — a full day of nothing but relaxation, which included a lot of reading. 😉 I’m not one to take full days off unless I’m going on a trip with my husband or am sick or something like that. So Wednesday was a very rare and indulgent day. (I even read more than one book, which if you’ve read a recent Broadsheet, you will know is also something I don’t normally do. However, these books were in a series so it was kind of like just reading a really long book.) 

Even with that day off, I have kept almost on track. I’ll be right where I want to be if I get to do a bit of writing later tonight. Here’s the list of stories and the progress made along with a small snippet from each: His Irreplaceable Belle: I am up to chapter 11 in that story and things are most definitely looking like they are turning around for this couple. Will they stay that way? I don’t know. this is how this week’s chapter began: 

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