Music Monday: Edward/Elinor – Come Home (One Republic)

Sense and Sensibility was the first Austen novel I ever read many years ago, and I do like revisiting it now and again whether it’s in the form of the book, a movie, or a fan video like the one I am sharing.

CoolCatKerr. “Edward/Elinor – Come Home.” YouTube, YouTube, 16 Dec. 2008,

I will also admit that I have been considering this story a bit more lately. One of these days, I am going to write another Touches of Austen book, and it might be one based on Sense and Sensibility. However, writing such interesting and enjoyable things has to wait until there is a cushion in the bank to cover a hit since honestly, they are not yet great sellers. (Notice I said yet — I’m a bit stubborn and have no plans of giving up these sorts of projects. Eventually, they just might catch on. 🙂 )

But that is a future plan.

Currently, I have a couple other new writing projects underway, and two books making their way to publication. So, I’m busy enough without adding another thing (even if I am sorely tempted to do so). Here’s what is happening in my writing life at the moment:

Mr. Darcy’s Comfort is in the hands of my final editor, and by this time next week, I will have preorder information for you. I am sharing an excerpt from this book in my Austen Author post tomorrow. Oh, and I will be revealing the cover.

I have begun writing the Sequel to Mr. Darcy’s Comfort, which is still title-less. In fact, I shared the first chapter with my patrons on Patreon on Friday and included that in the manuscript I sent to my editor since I hope to put it in the back of Mr. Darcy’s Comfort. It’s not about a well-loved character and, even though Mr. Darcy will likely play an important role in the story, I am hoping that having the excerpt there will help readers not just pass over the book. [Yes, I do worry a lot. 🙂 Sometimes with justification, sometimes without. Only time will prove which it is this time. 🙂 ]

Confounding Caroline has only two more Thursday posts! Can you believe that? It is just waiting to be sent off to my last editor after she finishes with Mr. Darcy’s Comfort and should be published in May shortly after it’s sequel, Delighting Mrs. Bennet begins posting on Thursdays.

I have scheduled the first post of Delighting Mrs. Bennet for May 10, and I wrote the second post on Friday. That post will get a reread and be scheduled next Friday before I begin working on post three.

And those are my four reasons why any other temptingly interesting plot bunnies must stay in their hutch. 🙂

As mentioned last week, since I am in the beginning phases of writing, I am not comfortable publically sharing any excerpts so early on. I like to have several thousand words in place before sharing. Maybe if writing time goes well this week, I will have something next Monday, but I make no promises.

Until then…

I hope you have a good week!


Leenie B Books


Published by

Leenie Brown

Leenie Brown fell in love with Jane Austen's works when she first read Sense and Sensibility followed immediately by Pride and Prejudice in her early teens. As the second of five daughters and an avid reader, she has always loved to see where her imagination takes her and to play with and write about the characters she meets along the way. In 2013, these two loves collided when she stumbled upon the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. A year later, in 2014, she began writing her own Austen-inspired stories and began publishing them in 2015. Leenie lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two teenage boys and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley and Edmund with healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tillney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

6 thoughts on “Music Monday: Edward/Elinor – Come Home (One Republic)”

  1. Bless your heart… you are working so hard. Just let me say… as a reader… I appreciate all the work you put in to publish fan fiction for the pleasure of your readership. I have followed you since my retirement and I discovered fan fiction… who knew? I do so enjoy your work. Hang in there…

    1. Thank you for being a reader of my work. I’m planning to keep at it, although there are days…but then there are those days with every thing. I can still hear my mom saying “I’m sending you to Grandma” when she had had enough for a day 🙂 She never did, but even she reached her end now and again.

      I’m a fairly new fan fiction reader myself. Where were they hiding this all those years? LOL

  2. Busy, busy, busy! Keep up the good work. I’m not sure about non P&P books but if you do write one I will check it out. It’s just my Darcy obsession that seems to win out 😉

    1. Thanks, Glynis. I do prefer busy to bored. 😀 I know there are those who are die hard P&P/D&E fans, and that’s perfectly fine. We all like what we like. Personally, I enjoy discovering and creating new heroes to swoon over. As I said to a friend one day when we were discussing this very thing (Darcy obsession, that is) — I like Darcy. I really do. But even chocolate cake gets dull after a while. I want chocolate cake, but I also want pie. Give me pie! 😀 I’m so happy to know you will at least sample the pie if I write it.

  3. As far as I am concerned, if you write it, I will buy it. I am just a bit behind though. I do hope to buy and start reading Unraveling Mr. Darcy this month! I was fortunate to receive an ARC of Becoming Entangled, but need to read UMD first! Keep those plot bunnies secure and hang in there!

    1. Oh, my dear Carole, even I have trouble keeping up with me. LOL And you really do need to read UMD before you read BE. It will put the story in perspective, so please read UMD first. I wish I had more time to spend with my plot bunnies, but since I don’t, they will just have to stay in that hutch.

      Thank you for reading.

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