Music Monday: Pride & Prejudice: My Confession

Welcome to a new week and a new month! Today, I have a surprise as well as a small snippet (about 400 words) from what I was writing this past week. I also have this gorgeous song and well-done video that I found. Josh Groban, the singer, is among my favourites. (I have lots of favourites in many genres. 🙂 )

Pride & Prejudice: My Confession from darcywil on Vimeo.

The title of the song will go with the bit of story I plan to share, so stay tuned to see if you can make the connection. However, first, I want to share a little bit of writing news. I really don’t have a lot to share today, so it shouldn’t take long.

Master of Longbourn is still with my final editor. I expect to have that back later this week to begin working on last fixes, and then I can get a preorder set up. I’m wavering between a June 21 and June 28 release day. I guess it will depend on how much fixing I need to do when I get the manuscript back. 🙂

Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 5, 2018, I will be revealing the cover for Master of Longbourn at Austen Authors. I will also be sharing some about how I created my dear Mr. Collins. 🙂 I really do like him — my version of him, that is. Kitty is one lucky girl — truly! I think you’ll agree when you finally get to read the whole story.

And that’s it. I have no other writing news to share with you. Amazing, huh? 😀 This week, I intend to start considering what I will be publishing next. Will it be a sequel to Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy or will it be another Touches of Austen story (like His Beautiful Bea) inspired this time by either Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility or will it be something else entirely? Oh, it’s like looking into a box of chocolates and not knowing which one to select! So many delicious options! 🙂  Speaking of sweet things…

Here’s the surprise: Today is my youngest son’s birthday. So, in honour of him, I am giving away on a first come, first serve basis 5 copies of the two books I mentioned above. Just click the links, and the first five blog readers who do will be able to download the books. (Links expire next Monday)

Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy

His Beautiful Bea

While I may not know what I will be writing next, one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that this week, I will continue working on Delighting Mrs. Bennet. The following snippet is from what I wrote on Friday and will not be posting until August 2! Yes, I am that far ahead, which is why it is time to start thinking about a non-blog story.

Ready to make a connection between song title and story? If so, read on.

A SNIPPET FROM Delighting Mrs. Bennet: 

Jane turned and took her by the shoulders. “But you know everything about loving a sister. You are very good at it, even when she steals your bonnet and ruins your dress.”  

Elizabeth’s brows furrowed, and her lips puckered. “Or when she is pushing you to admit what you know to be true.”

Jane wrapped her arms around Elizabeth. “Do you admit it then? Do you love Mr. Darcy?”

Elizabeth drew a deep breath and expelled it to drive out the last worries and allow her confidence to fill in those places. “I do. I love Mr. Darcy. I believe I have for some time.”

“Since he first insulted you.” Jane pulled back and looked at her. “Do not shake your head. I am right as I usually am, though you will not admit it. If Mr. Goulding had said you were not handsome enough to tempt him, you would have laughed and made it a great joke. Do not deny it. I know it is true. But Mr. Darcy was different. You liked him from the moment you saw him.”

“I could not love someone I do not know.” Elizabeth extracted herself from her sister’s embrace and rose. “I found him handsome. And anyone would feel the slight of a stranger far more greatly than that of a friend.”

Jane laughed. “If you say so, but I think you are wrong.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

“You will see,” Jane said as she smoothed her skirt and straightened her sleeves. “I am right.”

“You are not,” Elizabeth muttered.

Jane responded with only a smug smile which irritated Elizabeth more than any words might, and Jane knew it. It was how Jane always ended an argument when she thought she was right and Elizabeth was wrong.


Leenie B Books


Published by

Leenie Brown

Leenie Brown fell in love with Jane Austen's works when she first read Sense and Sensibility followed immediately by Pride and Prejudice in her early teens. As the second of five daughters and an avid reader, she has always loved to see where her imagination takes her and to play with and write about the characters she meets along the way. In 2013, these two loves collided when she stumbled upon the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. A year later, in 2014, she began writing her own Austen-inspired stories and began publishing them in 2015. Leenie lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two teenage boys and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley and Edmund with healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tillney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

6 thoughts on “Music Monday: Pride & Prejudice: My Confession”

  1. I loved the video and the music. Groban is one of my favorites also… I love his music. I suppose when I think of Darcy singing… I can easily envision him with a voice like Groban. Now that is an image I can grasp. Thanks for the excerpt and the give-a-way. I already had one of them and the other was on my wish-list. Blessings on the new work and what will launch soon.

  2. I love Josh Groban. He and Chris Mann and Buble and Sinatra…lol love the excerpt! Always ready for more Leenie. Look forward to see what you decide to do next! I already have all the books, but that’s a lovely giveaway! Happy birthday to your son!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie. My baby is 17! I can’t believe it. I am sure I am not older. LOL I, too, love those singers. I have such an eclectic selection of music I enjoy. 🙂

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