Music Monday: Catherine and Mr. Tilney, Your Hand in Mine

“Bea likes to be prepared for all eventualities,” Graeme offered.

“Different sides of the same coin, then,” Mr. Norman muttered.

“Quite,” Graeme agreed.

“It seemed to me that such is also true of Shelton and his wife.” Walter’s lips tipped up as he finally found for whom he was looking. Mr. Shelton was bending to hear what a very pretty young lady named Grace was saying. Miss Love was it? “Is that your guest with Mr. Shelton?” he asked Graeme.

“Yes, that is Miss Love. Would you care for an introduction?”

Yes, yes, he would very much like to meet the secretive Miss Love. “If it is not a bother,” he replied with an air of indifference before following Graeme across the room.

[from Her Secret Beau, Touches of Austen Book 3]
Published to YouTube by AuburnAfterglow on January 8, 2018.

We will be at the Assembly Rooms in this week’s chapter of Her Secret Beau, so I thought a video featuring Northanger Abbey would be a good choice.

In writing news: 

I wrote nearly one chapter each of Her Secret Beau and Persuading Miss Mary. Persuading Miss Mary‘s chapter needs to be finished.


I finally started my third work in progress. Just barely, but it is started. Remember how I said it was going to be titled Robert: something to something? Well, I was wrong. It turns out that it is going to be called Addie: To Wager on Her Future (or something very much like that). 🙂 Continue reading Music Monday: Catherine and Mr. Tilney, Your Hand in Mine

Secondary Character Inspiration

Chris Hammond (1860-1900) [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
Every H/h needs a good wingman — a person who…

has your back (or wishes to stab you in the back),

helps you succeed (or hopes to see you fail so they can trample you once you’re down),

points out your flaws to help you improve (or illustrate your ineptness),

makes you look good (or ensures you look ridiculous).

For good or ill, all stories NEED secondary characters.

But how do we create these important, though not headlining, cast members?

In this episode of the LLS Society Papers*, we’re talking about how we created and used a few of the many secondary characters we have written into stories.

Live Stream will begin at 3 PM EST or 4 PM Atlantic. 🙂

Books and links mentioned in the show:

Rose’s Links
Sufficient Encouragement
Mr. Darcy’s Bluestocking Bride

Leenie’s Links
Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy
Charles: To Discover His Purpose
Music Monday post, containing an intro to Trefor Linton with Charles Edwards as a secondary character

Zoe’s Links
Darcy’s Secret Marriage

Pride & Prejudice & Racecars series
Darcy’s Race to Love
Georgie’s Redemption
Book 3/Friday’s Race to the Weekend blog feature

Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining us!

*Longbourn Literary Society is a Facebook group founded by three friends, who share a love of writing and Jane Austen for the purpose of promoting those loves and our work.  


You can find Rose and Zoe’s websites at these links:


Does life imitate art or art imitate life?

Welcome to the first Longbourn Literary Society (LLS) Society Papers Broadcast post on my blog. (Yes, that is a mouthful, is it not? LOL)

Zoe Burton, Rose Fairbanks, and I have been doing these video chats as Facebook live videos for a year and have just recently moved from Facebook to YouTube so that the videos can be accessed more broadly.

Now, I realize I mentioned that I would share these videos on Sundays here on the blog, but I just had a “brilliant idea” which means this is either going to work or be a dismal failure. LOL

I think that I can share the link to the video early and then if you want to join us live, you can just use it to hop over to YouTube where you can comment, or you can just watch us here. We’ll see. Fingers crossed. And please accept my apologies if it does not work. I will get it sorted out afterward if necessary.

This week, we are discussing how real-life experiences have inspired scenes on the page and reading from some of those scenes as well.

[The broadcast will start at 3 PM EST or 4 PM if you’re in the Atlantic time zone like I am. 😉 ]

Books and links mentioned in the show:

Rose’s Books

Stolen Moments with Darcy

The Secrets of Pemberley

Mr. Darcy’s Compassion

The Gentleman’s Impertinent Daughter

Letters from the Heart

No Cause to Repine

Mr. Darcy’s Kindness

Leenie’s Books

Through Every Storm

Mr. Darcy’s Comfort

So Very Unexpected

Zoe’s Books

I Promise To …

Promises Kept

To Save Elizabeth

Friday’s Race to the Weekend:

Join our Facebook readers community

Longbourn Literary Society:

Subscribe to our channels




Discover more about Leenie, Rose, and Zoe and their books

Leenie: (You’re here already 🙂 )



Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining us!

Music Monday: Something Just Like This, Instrumental Cover

Welcome to a new week. It’s time for a bit of music, some writing news, and an excerpt. Shall we get started?

Click play and read on. 🙂

Solís Music. “‘Something Just Like This’ The Chainsmokers & Coldplay – Piano Orchestral Pop Cover by David Solis.” YouTube, YouTube, 15 June 2017,

You can find the original version of this song by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay at this link if you wish to hear the words sung. In my mind, the lyrics really fit with the story I just finished writing and am sharing an excerpt at the end of this post, which is why I chose this song to share today.

Now, that I have told you there is a story connection to the music, let’s get to the writing news:

First of all, this happened last week…

Click to pre-order.

Confounding Caroline is now available for pre-order! 🙂

And Delighting Mrs. Bennet, the sequel to this story started posting on Thursday.

It was truly a week of excitement because late Friday night, I finished writing Master of Longbourn, and I know I am the author, but it is such a good story. You’re going to have to read it. 🙂 Mr. Collins is just so surprisingly likable — truly. I have had early readers who have surprised themselves by saying things like “I really like Collins.” The final chapter and epilogue of the story will be posting this week on Patreon after I have had a chance to reread and polish them a little.

Before I get to the excerpt from Master of Longbourn, I want to remind you of what I said last week. This will be the last excerpt from this story, and I will likely not have an excerpt for the next two or three weeks or so. I am going to take some time to work on Delighting Mrs. Bennet, and then some other story will get started, although, at this very moment, I have not decided which one. 🙂 Maybe I will know by next Monday…maybe. 🙂

Now for…

AN EXCERPT (a longish excerpt) FROM Master of Longbourn:  Continue reading Music Monday: Something Just Like This, Instrumental Cover

Music Monday: Song from a Secret Garden, Hauser

Happy second Monday of 2018! How was your first week? Mine was “interesting.” 🙂 My son and I resumed homeschool classes — sort of.  A winter storm altered our plans. The wind howled and rain (not snow for us) pelted the house. Then the rain stopped and the wind calmed, only to pick back up as the storm wrapped around, and the backside of it passed through. We were very fortunate. We sustained no damage and only lost power for a few hours.  So, I am not complaining. I’m just saying it created a week I wasn’t expecting.

Hauser. “HAUSER – Song from a Secret Garden.” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Nov. 2017,

While the wind blew and the candles flickered on Thursday, I found it difficult to focus to write until I pulled out my mp3 player and turned on some music. Music plays such an important roll in my writing process. 🙂 The above song is not one I was listening to on Thursday but is one that I recently added to my Music to Write By playlist on YouTube which I have been using during my writing sessions this week (on days when there is power).

In writing news…

I have gotten One Winter’s Eve back from my first reader, made the necessary corrections, and sent it on to my second reader. I expect to have it back sometime this week so I can start final edits and get a preorder set up for January 15.  Release day is scheduled for January 25, 2018.

I have posted three chapters of Enticing Miss Darcy on Patreon and am halfway through writing chapter 4 (excerpted below). I plan to have that chapter completed and posted on Patreon by tomorrow evening.  I had hoped to get a full chapter written on Friday, but I ended up spending a good bit of time doing some research for the story.  The tentative release day for this book is March 6, 2018. (I did some planning this past week. 🙂 )

As part of my plan, I have switched up my writing schedule just slightly to fit in writing time for Confounding Caroline.  I am now doing Work In Progress writing M, T, W, and F, and giving Th over to my Thursday Three Hundred story writing.  I will say that, while the power was out on Thursday, I finally wrote the part of Confounding Caroline where we will first see Elizabeth.  Those two parts will post on the blog in the second half of February.

That, I believe, is all the writing news I have for you this week.  Now, to share a portion of what I wrote on Friday night.

AN EXCERPT FROM Enticing Miss Darcy:  Continue reading Music Monday: Song from a Secret Garden, Hauser