The Leap-Saturday Broadsheet

Happy Leap Day! What a wonderful present to wake up to — an extra Saturday. 🙂 Here’s a look at what I have been up to during this last week of February 2020.

Writing News

So far (as of Friday evening), this has been an excellent writing week. I have put the new routine of rereading one day and writing the next into place, and it seems to be working quite well. I feel a lot less stressed over “getting it all done,” which has been wonderful to feel more relaxed. I think, depending on how today goes, I might actually get more written this week than I had initially thought I would. It’s always such a better feeling to be on top of things than trying to catch up. 🙂 It’s amazing what can happen when you embrace, rather than fight, the way your mind wishes to work. 🙂 

Here is what I have written so far this week: 

  • 1 chapter of His Irreplaceable Belle (And let’s just say there’s a bit of an “oh my, she didn’t!” coming up in that story) 
  • 1 chapter of Matching Mr. Darcy (This is my Patreon exclusive work in progress. In the most recent chapter I wrote, poor Mr. Darcy is facing some competition.) 
  • a teasing, cliffhangery (that’s a word, right? LOL) prologue to Marrying Elizabeth, book 6 which is also currently marked in my files as Georgiana’s story (I also did a good bit of planning for this story.) 

Publishing News

Can you believe I actually have nothing to put here? Shocking! 🙂 I hope that I will soon have info for you regarding Cherishing Kitty. (By soon, I mean, a few weeks to a month or so.) 

A Scheduling Error

Remember how last week I said I was going to give the Choices Series a week to get back to all retailers and then put it on sale. Well, I messed up. I looked at the wrong week when scheduling the promotion, so instead of telling you this week that it is now on sale, I am going to have to wait to do that until next Saturday. It will be on sale for $2.99 USD with all other currencies also reduce starting Saturday, March 7, 2020, and ending Saturday, March 14, 2020.

If I had not submitted it for a paid email promo spot with a marketing company, I would have just adjusted the dates, but I had submitted, had it accepted, and paid for the advertising before I realized I was a week ahead of myself. 

Book Review

This week, I would like to thank Karen for reading and reviewing Assessing Mr. Darcy. I found humor and a few tears in the story as I wrote it, just as you did when you read it. For me, this book was a fun story to write even if it is definitely off canon and very insta-love-ish.

Something Extra for Last

I sometimes struggle to come up with things that might be interesting to share in this section. So I am wondering if you have any questions you would like to have me answer here? If so, leave a question in the comments below, and you might see your question here some week. 

This week, I thought I would share a “floor plan” that I added to my floor plans Pinterest board recently. I like to look up floor plans to help me visualize the houses and buildings where my characters are in a story. Rarely does a floor plan stay the same from how it is in “real life” to how it is in my story. Often, I will print out an image and then start moving walls and reassigning room purposes to fit my needs. 

The image below is a clipping of the house and surroundings of Groomsbridge Place which was used as Longbourn in the 2005 cinematic adaptation of Pride and Prejudice

And that is it for this week’s news and updates. Remember that this upcoming Thursday is when the final chapter of Marrying Elizabeth (book 5), also known as Cherishing Kitty, will post.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Published by

Leenie Brown

Leenie Brown fell in love with Jane Austen's works when she first read Sense and Sensibility followed immediately by Pride and Prejudice in her early teens. As the second of five daughters and an avid reader, she has always loved to see where her imagination takes her and to play with and write about the characters she meets along the way. In 2013, these two loves collided when she stumbled upon the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. A year later, in 2014, she began writing her own Austen-inspired stories and began publishing them in 2015. Leenie lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two teenage boys and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley and Edmund with healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tillney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

2 thoughts on “The Leap-Saturday Broadsheet”

  1. No questions, just a congratulations on all your hard work. I’m glad the writing has worked out for you. That is often a time/stress saver getting into a routine that actually works. It is great that you found that. Ooops on the week off on that sale.Oh, well. we all are off a bit. I’m always having to look at my phone to be sure what day it is. LOL! Blessings, Leenie.

    1. Thanks, J.W. It is a time and stress saver to find that routine, which is something that has to be done every time i try to add things to what I want to get done. It’s been a struggle to figure out how best to do three stories at a time over the past year since I started posting two here on my blog. I’ve had some things work pretty well, but this one seems to feel the least stressful since I know I don’t have to think about all of them all at once. I think it was the fact that my planning was happening “between months” so I had the planner open to the wrong page. 😀 Thanks for your encouragement.

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