The March 2023 Saturday Broadsheet

This month’s Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link below.

In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • writing project and publishing updates — I’ve started a new project
  • several books that are on sale (13 to be exact) and one that is free for five days
  • an upcoming opportunity to read and review a previously published book via Booksprout
  • and an original Regency story scene, inspired by a picture, and called Even Without Cake

Have a great weekend!

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Published by

Leenie Brown

Leenie Brown fell in love with Jane Austen's works when she first read Sense and Sensibility followed immediately by Pride and Prejudice in her early teens. As the second of five daughters and an avid reader, she has always loved to see where her imagination takes her and to play with and write about the characters she meets along the way. In 2013, these two loves collided when she stumbled upon the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. A year later, in 2014, she began writing her own Austen-inspired stories and began publishing them in 2015. Leenie lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two teenage boys and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley and Edmund with healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tillney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

4 thoughts on “The March 2023 Saturday Broadsheet”

  1. Mrs. Clarke should definitely have her own short story. Leenie, I am one of your Patrons. I think that I forgot to download my copy of Pretending to Love Mary.

  2. You have been busy. I have been getting emails about the reduced books but I already own the ones I like. So I don’t know why I clicked on ‘Not An Heiress’ which is one of my absolute favourite books (not just of yours – of my whole collection) and which I have owned on Kindle since 2017; clicking on it today, suddenly realised it was available as a print copy as well and I am so excited. (I decided to buy print copies of my favourite titles in case Amazon suddenly decided to remove the Kindle editions.)It arrives on Monday and I am so thrilled :). I loved the cake story and imagining how things might develop for Corah.
    March has been OK here so far, although several places have had heavy snow
    Hope your husband is doing OK

    1. Isn’t it delightful to expect book mail? I love getting packages like that! And that is a fun story! I love hearing that it is one of your favorites overall. I have gone back to reread that one several times myself. 🙂

      My husband is progressing well, though slower than he’d like. LOL He gets to move from a crutch to a cane this coming week and has had his brace adjusted to start to bend his leg while walking so he can relearn the proper heel to toe movement while walking. However, I’m guessing the cane may get ignored as often as the crutch did. 😀

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