The May 2021 Saturday Broadsheet

The Saturday Broadsheet, with all my writing life updates, is now available at the link at the bottom of this short post. In this issue of the Broadsheet you will find:

  • Info about what is posting on my blog — which you probably already know. 🙂
  • My progress on my writing and publishing projects (Yes! I have made progress!)
  • For Leenie’s Book News subscribers there is a sneak peek at the project I have started
  • Two multi-author promotions that offer two of my books at a reduced price and lots more options for budget-friendly Regency reads
  • A video of reviews for Two Days in November. (Thank you, Katzanne, wosedwew, S.L. Majczan, and KipperCat for leaving reviews!)
  • A video about medicine in the 1700s that made me think about Mr. Norman from His Irreplaceable Belle.

Hopefully, you will find something of interest and perhaps a book to add to your TBR (to be read) pile. 🙂

Have a great weekend!

I’ll be back on Monday with a story and song pairing. (This month’s theme is Georgiana Darcy’s Music Folder, and we’re starting with a lesson from a music master.)

Published by

Leenie Brown

Leenie Brown fell in love with Jane Austen's works when she first read Sense and Sensibility followed immediately by Pride and Prejudice in her early teens. As the second of five daughters and an avid reader, she has always loved to see where her imagination takes her and to play with and write about the characters she meets along the way. In 2013, these two loves collided when she stumbled upon the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. A year later, in 2014, she began writing her own Austen-inspired stories and began publishing them in 2015. Leenie lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two teenage boys and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley and Edmund with healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tillney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

4 thoughts on “The May 2021 Saturday Broadsheet”

  1. I have been neglectful lately. I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing some health issues but that you are on the mend. I have found the older I get, the longer things take to heal, especially muscle related. Thank goodness for my chiro/massage therapist and that we can still see them during this lockdown. I just read Christmas in Gracechurch Street last night. I just loved what you did with Mary! Looking forward to more of her story and who she eventually winds up with! Take care and enjoy the sunshine!

    1. For a few hours earlier this past week, it looked like my osteopath and massage therapist might not be part of the business allowed to stay open but thankfully, things were clarified and they are still allowed to be open! They are so important to my body functioning as pain-free as possible since they keep my disc issues under control pretty well. 🙂

      I’m so glad you liked Christmas in Gracechurch Street. You know, I went to pick out a book to read last night and ended up reading part of Christmas in Gracechurch Street (about a chapter) because it was still open in my Kindle app from when I was checking something. 🙂 It was a fun story.

      Thanks for your comments, Carole! Have a great weekend.

  2. I just saw your video link on medicine. That was amazing. Now I realize how important that kitchen garden was and the stillroom for the health and well being of families. I’ve read a few stories where Jane enjoyed working in the stillroom. I thought of her when they were talking about all the things they could make from the flowers and plants.

    I am sorry you are experiencing another lockdown, even a short one. However, I’m glad you can still see your osteopath and massage therapist. That was a blessing. Thanks for all your hard work. Stay safe and healthy.

    1. Isn’t that video full of interesting information? I’m sure I will watch it again and again as part of getting some things fixed in my brain to use in stories 🙂 There were so many things back then that were common (like a still room or a garden) but of such great importance. I find that fact to be fascinating.

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