The Saturday Broadsheet for April 25, 2020

I hope you are staying safe and well. I and my family are safe and well, which, this week, means more than we have not contracted a virus because last weekend our province was the site of the worst mass shooting in Canada. To say it has been a challenging week is an understatement. 

Be that as it may, I still went to work and did the things, and, below, you will find information about what I accomplished in my writing life this week, as well as publishing information and book sale news.  

Writing News

Here’s an update on my writing I have with a short excerpt from two of them. 

Her Convenient Forever: I wrote chapter three this weekSo, I am on track to start posting that story on my blog on May 12 as I had hoped I would be. Here is an excerpt from chapter 3. 

There was likely only one person in all the world who enjoyed entertaining callers more than Felicity did and that was her mother. Hopefully, Felicity’s disgrace would not take that pleasure away from both her and her mother. Oh, what a mess she had made of things. Again, tears threatened, but she refused to give in to their demands.

“I shall have our tea and sweets brought in straight away,” Mrs. Love added after she had been properly introduced to Matthias. “Please, do be seated.”

“Where shall we sit?” Mr. Hedrington asked Matthias, who looked at Felicity.

“I am going to sit on the sofa near the hearth,” she said.

Matthias smiled and nodded his head.

“Will three fit?” Mr. Hedrington said with a laugh.

“I should hope so,” Mr. Love said with a chuckle of his own. “My Felicity has always charmed the young gentlemen, but I was not aware that her abilities extended to such young gentlemen.”

He was teasing, and three months ago, Felicity would have rolled her eyes and giggled. However, at present, her cheeks flamed as she forced a small laugh.

Matching Mr. Darcy: This story is still on the to-do list, but I did get a chapter written after I posted the Saturday Broadsheet last week, and I think this story is almost complete. Here is how chapter 12 begins. 

Mr. Newell, with Caroline on his arm, nudged is way into the group of people looking through music near the piano at the far end of the drawing room.

“You will sing for us, will you not, Elizabeth?” Mr. Newell asked.

Darcy nearly growled at the familiar way in which Newell addressed Elizabeth. It was one thing to be so informal at the lady’s home or in her garden, but to do so in a social setting, even if it was among friends, was, in Darcy’s way of thinking, totally improper.

“Oh, yes, Miss Elizabeth, you must,” Caroline agreed. “I have heard so much about your talent that I would dearly love to experience it.”  She took a seat next to Elizabeth.

“I do not think tonight is that sort of evening,” Elizabeth deferred.

“I will ask Sir William,” Newell offered.

Had the man not yet learned that Elizabeth did not like to be pushed to do things?

“Please, do not,” Elizabeth said with some force.

Protecting Miss Darcy: I am up to chapter 8. Here is a peek at the beginning of that chapter. 

“Are you well?” Fitzwilliam sat down next to his sister in the drawing room at Winsdale. They had finished dinner a short time ago, and the gentlemen had just joined the ladies.

Georgiana closed the book she was not reading. “I am tired. I would like to retire early, but I confess that I am worried it will offend Mrs. Langley.” And that worry was only slightly stronger than the one about how to act around Alfred.

She had managed to deflect much of his attention this afternoon by offering to draw a flower just for Lily – one that the little girl chose. Picking just the right flower was no easy task for a four-year-old. They must have examined every flower in Winsdale’s garden before Lily decided upon a rose that had not yet opened.

Publishing News

First, let me mentions that I published an omnibus of Darcy Family Holidays books 1-3 this past week. See below in the Book Promo section for details regarding that as it is also on sale for a limited time. 

Second, I’m pleased to let you know that I have placed this book on pre-order at Amazon. I was too late to get it on pre-order for the other sales platforms, so those will be publishing a few days ahead of the Amazon release day so that I can have one easy universal link to share. 

I do not have Advance Reader Copies ready, but I expect to send those out on Monday afternoon (Atlantic time).

Pre-order in the Kindle store here.

Book Promotions

As I mentioned in a previous week’s Saturday Broadsheet, this series is going to be moving into Kindle Unlimited for the foreseeable future since the characters in it cross over into some of the stories in my Other Pens books, which are already in Kindle Unlimited. I would like to be able to take both of these series out of Kindle Unlimited at a later date and put them into my current “in and out of KU rotation.” However, time and the marketplace will tell when or if that can happen. 

I published the omnibus of the series this week, and it is available on all sales platforms for the special price of $2.99 USD ($3.99 CAD), with other currencies also reduced. Both the sales price and the book’s availability outside of Amazon will disappear on May 10, 2020

Find Darcy Family Holidays, books 1-3 at your favourite retailer

These two books go together, which is why both of them are on sale this week. 

This set of stories began with the questions “What if Darcy was betrothed to Anne and planned on marrying her before he met Elizabeth?” and “What if something happened to break Darcy’s obligation to his cousin?” The story begins at Netherfield while Jane is ill but then moves to Rosings where we meet Mr. Collins for the first time. When Darcy returns to Hertfordshire, he brings Mr. Collins with him. But this Mr. Collins is not your standard Mr. Collins. You’ll have to read his story to see what I mean, but he wants to improve himself and Darcy and Bingley take on the task of helping him. 

Get Master of Longbourn for FREE here.

Get Mr. Darcy’s Comfort here.

Phew! Are you still here? I know this is getting long this week. 🙂 You’re almost at the end.

Book Review

I’m keeping it short and sweet with the review this week. Thank you so much, Stefanie for reading and reviewing Master of Longbourn. I’m so happy to hear you liked dear Mr. Collins. 

Maybe I should put a warning on this week’s free book: May cause you to like Mr. Collins 🙂 Who’d have thought that was possible? LOL

Kindle Unlimited Changes in May

A Dash of Darcy and Companions Cottage Collection 2 will be leaving Kindle Unlimited on May 13, 2020. The following books will be moving to Kindle Unlimited. See my Books Currently in KU page on my blog for links to all the books currently available to read with your KU subscription.

Something Extra

My only older sister asked me the other week for a list of my books in the order of publication. She wanted to start rereading them while she’s in quarantine and thought it would be fun to do in chronological order. She also suggested that I share it with all of you in case there is anyone else who would like to make sure they have read all my books. So here it is — a list of my books and the month and year of when they were published. 

You can also get this list as a downloadable pdf here.  

Have a good weekend! Be safe and well. I’ll see you on Monday.

Leenie B Books
Click to find all of Leenie’s books at your favourite retailer.


Published by

Leenie Brown

Leenie Brown fell in love with Jane Austen's works when she first read Sense and Sensibility followed immediately by Pride and Prejudice in her early teens. As the second of five daughters and an avid reader, she has always loved to see where her imagination takes her and to play with and write about the characters she meets along the way. In 2013, these two loves collided when she stumbled upon the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. A year later, in 2014, she began writing her own Austen-inspired stories and began publishing them in 2015. Leenie lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two teenage boys and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley and Edmund with healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tillney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

6 thoughts on “The Saturday Broadsheet for April 25, 2020”

  1. Yes, it was a tragedy what has happened in Nova Scotia. I thought of you and hoped you were safe. Glad to hear you are. Those poor people and their families. My heart goes out to them.

    On a brighter note, I am excited to see ‘Cherishing Kitty’ is up for pre-order. I finally read ‘His Darling Friend’ and ‘Her Secret Beau’ this past week. I must say, I really enjoyed the development of Grace Love. Looking forward to the next one in that series. As for your list of books, I think I have read the majority of them. I have ‘Oxford Cottage’ on my Kindle so hope to get to that one soon and a couple of others.

    Well stay safe, healthy, fit and sane!

    1. Thanks, Carole. We’re doing our best to make the best of our situation, and actually, we’re all quite content at present.

      I’m glad you got to read those books 🙂 Grace was such a delight to write, and to think she started out as just a side character with no real plans to make her more than that until I got to know her. 🙂

  2. I am so glad you are ok, and my heart breaks for the senseless loss of life in the shoting thanks for the list of you stories, I want to read them all again.. Love Carmalee

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