Victorian Advertising Card


Amanda Thompson moved lightly around the library, placing the books she carried on a table near Patrick’s favourite chair, checking the shelves, and straightening anything that she decided was out of place while Patrick stood transfixed, rooted to the frozen ground beneath his feet.

[from Frosted Windowpanes, a Touches of Austen Novelette]


Leenie B Books


Published by

Leenie Brown

Leenie Brown fell in love with Jane Austen's works when she first read Sense and Sensibility followed immediately by Pride and Prejudice in her early teens. As the second of five daughters and an avid reader, she has always loved to see where her imagination takes her and to play with and write about the characters she meets along the way. In 2013, these two loves collided when she stumbled upon the world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction. A year later, in 2014, she began writing her own Austen-inspired stories and began publishing them in 2015. Leenie lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two teenage boys and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley and Edmund with healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tillney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

4 thoughts on “Victorian Advertising Card”

  1. What a delightful photo. I love a balcony. I can imagine that one full of flowers in the summer. I am already getting excited to meet this Amanda and Patrick. Blessings on your recent launch and the progress you are making on whatever else you have your fingers in. You are one busy lady. Oh, by the way… I LOVED Mary’s story. Yep, the b-witch is gone and I adored Gabe and his mother. Thank you for such a delightful story.

  2. I am a slow reader and I’m not at top game; going to see the doctor later today, but, I am so looking forward to finding out who Amanda and Patrick are. I think I better just work on Henry, so I can deal with Charles, and then, I shall have the energy to talk with Mary. Leenie, I so look forward to reading your works because I know they never disappoint me.

    Have the best day ever,

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