One Shaky Step Forward

I’ve done something new. I’ve published a non-fiction book. It’s a writing journal in which I have taken excerpts from several of my books (11 to be exact) and used them as illustrations for what the scripture tells us godly love is like.

While the book’s genre might be a new one for me to publish in, the parts of me that went into creating it are not. I can see how God joined together my years of writing, those spent teaching (both in school and church), my lifetime of exposure to Him through church attendance and schooling, and this in-born love for love stories with happy endings.

It’s a little book – less than 18,000 words in length and only 80 pages in regular 5×8 paperback format – and yet, it feels monumental and if I’m being honest (which I am), scary. 🙂

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